Support from IACS

Organizers and participants of events supported by IACS are required to follow the IUGG code of conduct.

Travel grants to IACS Assemblies

Funding is usually available to partially support attendance at IACS General and Scientific Assemblies, in particular for early career scientists, and postdocs and students from developing countries. Awardees must be IACS members and comply with the IACS Implementation of IUGG resolution on reducing our carbon footprint.

Support will be available for attending the IACS-IAMAS-IAPSO BACO-25 joint assmebly in Busan, Republic of Korea, 20-25 July 2025.

Support requests for workshops and events

IACS co-sponsors cryosphere-related workshop, educational or other events that further the IACS Objectives and align with the remits of IACS Divisions, typically up to a maximum of 3000 Euros per event. In years with IACS/IUGG assemblies, priority will be given to travel grants and events at or in close connection with the assemblies. IACS support may include, for example, funding for event organization, registration or travel support for early career scientists or participants from developing countries, and ‘best student’ prizes. Organizers of events can request support from IACS by sending a completed request form to the Secretary General. Applicants and recipients must be IACS members (membership is free; register here). IACS must be acknowledged in all relevant material, such as advertising, homepages and flyers. A report including how the funding was spent is required within two weeks after the activity.

IACS generally does not provide funding or travel support for (recurring) conferences or symposia of other professional cryospheric organizations, or on topics not aligning with IACS Divisions. IACS may co-sponsor and provide funding for targeted events at other organizations´ conferences, provided that these are in addition to the ‘regular’ programme. IACS should have an active role in the event, and should be listed as a sponsor in all advertising material from an early stage. Examples could include events on career development, science communication or research ethics/diversity.

Funding is awarded on a case-by-case basis considering how the funding will further the IACS Objectives, the degree to which the event is international in nature and the total number of applications received. There are two deadlines per year on 1 April and 1 October. Funding requests must be submitted for a deadline at least three months prior to the event that is to be supported (for example, the 1 April deadline could be used to request support for events in July onwards). Applicants will be informed of decisions approximately two weeks after the deadline.

See list of co-sponsored events.