IACS / UCCS / ICSI publications
IACS Contribution
No 2 (2011)
Cogley, J. G., Hock, R., Rasmussen, L. A., Arendt, A. A., Bauder, A., Braithwaite, R. J., Jansson, P., Kaser, G., Möller, M., Nicholson, L., and Zemp, M.: Glossary of Glacier Mass Balance and Related Terms. IHP-VII Technical Documents in Hydrology No. 86, IACS Contribution No. 2, UNESCO-IHP, Paris. 114 pp., 2011.
(see also Publications > Glossary Mass Balance)
No 1 (2009)
Fierz, C., Armstrong, R. L., Durand, Y., Etchevers, P., Greene, E., McClung, D. M., Nishimura, K., Satyawali, P. K., and Sokratov, S. A.: The International Classification for Seasonal Snow on the Ground. IHP-VII Technical Documents in Hydrology No. 83, IACS Contribution No. 1, UNESCO-IHP, Paris. 90 pp., 2009.
(see also Publications > Snow Classification)
IACS Publications
Allison, I., Fierz, C., Hock, R., Macintosh, A., Kaser, G., and Nussbaumer, S. U.: The International Association of Cryospheric Sciences: past, present and future., Hist. Geo Space Sci., 10(1), 97–107, https://doi.org/10.5194/hgss-10-1-2019, 2019.
Hagen, J. O., and Jansson, P. (eds.): Papers for the thematic issue on mass balance measurements and modelling, Ann. Glaciol., 50, 2009.
Armstrong, R. L., and Eric Brun, E., (eds.): Snow and Climate. Physical Processes, Surface Energy Exchange and Modeling, Cambridge University Press, 256 pp., 2008.
Jacka, J. (ed.): Selected papers from the Union Commission for the Cryospheric Sciences session held at the XXIV IUGG General Assembly, Perugia, Italy, 2–14 July 2007, Ann. Glaciol., 48, 2008.
Zemp, M., Roer, I., Kääb, A., Hoelzle, M., Paul, F., and Haeberli, W. (eds.): Global Glacier Changes: facts and figures, UNEP, World Glacier Monitoring Service, Zurich, Switzerland: 88 pp., 2008.
UCCS Publications
Casassa, G., Rivera, A., Kaser, G., Ribstein, P., and Schneider, C. (eds.): Mass balance of Andean glaciers, Glob. Planet. Chang., 59 (1-4), 2007.
Ginot, P., and Sicart, J. E. (eds.): Glacier Mass Balance Changes and Meltwater Discharge, IAHS Publication No. 318, 2007.
Sharp, M. J. (ed.): The International Symposium on Cryospheric Indicators of Global Climate Change, Ann. Glaciol., 46, 2007.
Hock, R., Rees, G., Williams, M., and Ramirez, E. (eds.): Contribution from Glaciers and Snow to Runoff from the Mountains in Different Climates, Hydr. Proc., 20 (10), 2006.
ICSI Publications
Poweroy, J. W. (ed.): Snow processes and modeling: Recent advances. J. Hydrometeorol., 5(5), 2004.
Kaser, G., Fountain, A., and Jansson, P.: A Manual For Monitoring the Mass Balance of Mountain Glaciers. IHP-VI Technical Documents in Hydrology No. 59, UNESCO-IHP, Paris, 2003.
Lang, H., and Kaser, G., (eds.): Mountain Hydrology and Water Resources, in anticipation of the ‘Year of the Mountains 2002’. J. Hydrol., 282(1-4), 2003.
Dolman, A. J., Hall, A. J., Kawas, M. L., Oki, T., and Pomeroy, J. W.: Soil-Vegetation-Atmospheric Transfer Schemes and Large-scale Hydrological Models. IAHS Publication No. 270, 2002.
Prowse, T. D., and Ferrick, M. G. (eds.): Hydrology of ice-covered rivers and lakes. Hydr. Proc. 16(4), 2002.
Kaser, G., and Osmaston, H.: Tropical Glaciers. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2002.
Snorrason, A., Finnsdottir, H. P., and Moss, M. E. (eds.): The extremes of extremes: Extraordianry floods. IAHS Publication No. 271, 2002.
Jones, H. G., Pomeroy, J. W., Walker, D. A., and Hoham, R. W. (eds.): Snow Ecology. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2001.
Hondoh, T. (ed.): Physics of Ice Core Records. Hokkaido University Press, Sapporo, 2000.
Nakawo, M., Raymond, C. F. and Fountain, A., (eds.): Debris Covered Glaciers. IAHS Publication No. 264, 2000.
Jansson, P, Fountain, A., Kaser, G., and Dyurgerov, M. (eds.): Workshop on Methods and Modelling of Mass Balance Measurements Tarfala, 10–12 August 1998, Geogr. Ann., 81(4), 1999.
Tranter, M., Armstrong, R., Brun, E., Jones, G., Sharp, M., and Williams, M. (eds.): Interactions between the Cryosphere, Climate and Greenhouse Gases. IAHS Publication No. 256, 1999.
Fountain, A. G., Kaser, G., and Rudell, A. (eds.): Glaciers of the Southern Hemisphere. Global and Planetary Change, 22, (1-4), 1999
Tonnessen, K. A., Williams, M. W., and Tranter, M. (eds): Biogeochemistry of Seasonally Snow-Covered Catchments. IAHS Publication No. 228, 1995.
Jones, H. G., Davies, T. D., Ohmura, A., and Morris, E. M. (eds.): Snow and Ice Covers: Interactions with the Atmosphere and Ecosystems. IAHS Publication No. 223, 1993.
Young, G. J. (ed.): Snow and glacier hydrology. IAHS Publication No. 218, 1992.
Bergmann, H., Lang, H., Frey, W., Issler, D., and Salm, B. (eds.): Snow, hydrology and forests in high alpine areas. Proceedings of a symposium held during the XX Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics at Vienna, August 1991. IAHS Publication No. 205, 1991.
Kotlyakov, V.M., Ushakov, A., Glazovsky, A., (eds.): Glaciers-Ocean-Atmosphere interactions. IAHS Publication No. 208, 1990.
Colbeck, S., Akitaya, E., Armstrong, R., Gubler, H., Lafeuille, J., Lied, K., McClung, D., Morris, E. M.: The International Classification for Seasonal Snow on the Ground, 1990.
(see also Publications > Snow Classification)
Colbeck, S. C. (ed.): Glacier and snow cover variations. Proceedings of a workshop held during the Third IAHS Scientific Assembly at Baltimore, May 1989. IAHS Publication No. 183, 1989.
Waddington, E. D., and Walder, J. S. (eds.): The physical basis of ice sheet modelling. Proceedings of a symposium held during the XIX Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics at Vancouver, August 1987. IAHS Publication No. 170, 1987.
Goodison, B. E., Barry, R. G., and Dozier, J. (eds.): Large Scale Effects of Seasonal Snow Cover. Proceedings of a symposium held during the XIX Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics at Vancouver, August 1987. IAHS Publication No. 166, 1987.
Salm, B., and Gubler, H. (eds.): Avalanche Formation, Movement and Effects. Proceedings of a Symposium held at Davos, September 1986. IAHS Publication No. 162, 1987.
Morris, E. M. (ed.): Modelling Snowmelt-Induced Processes. Proceedings of a symposium held during the Second Scientific Assembly of IAHS at Budapest, July 1986. IAHS Publication No. 155, 1986.
Young, G. J. (ed.):
Glen, J. W. (ed.): Hydrological aspects of alpine and high-mountain areas. Proceedings of a symposium held at Exeter, July 1982. IAHS Publication No. 138, 1982.
Allison, I. (ed.): Sea Level, Ice, and Climatic ChangeProceedings of a symposium held during the XVII Assembly of the IUGG at Canberra, December 1979. IAHS Publication No. 131, 1981.
IAHS (ICSI): Sea Ice Processes and Models. Proceedings of a symposium held at Seattle, September 1977. IAHS Publication No. 124.
UNESCO – IAHS – ICSI, 1980. Avalanche Atlas, 1980.
WGI-IAHS (ICSI): World glacier inventory. Proceedings of a workshop held at Aletschzentrum, September 1978. IAHS Publication No. 126, 1978.
IAHS (ICSI): Isotopes and impurities in snow and ice. Proceedings of a symposium held during the SVI Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics at Grenoble, August-September 1975. IAHS Publication No. 118, 1975.
IAHS (ICSI): Snow Mechanics. Proceedings of a symposium held at Grindelwald, April 1974. IAHS Publication No. 114, 1975.
IAHS (ICSI)-IGS: Symposium on the hydrology of Glaciers. cambridge 1969. IAHS Publication No. 95, 1973.
IAHS (ICSI)-UNESCO-WMO: The role of snow and ice in hydrology. Proceedings of Symposia held at Banff, September 1972. Volume 1 & 2. IAHS Publication No. 107, 1972.
IAHS (ICSI): Snow and ice Proceedings of a symposium held during the XV Assembly of the International Union of geodesy and geophysics at Moscow, August 1971. IAHS Publication No. 104, 1971.
IASH (ICSI): International Symposium on Antarctic Glaciological Exploration (ISAGE). Hanover, New Hampshire, 3–7 September 1968. IAHS Publication No. 86, 1970.
UNESCO / IASH (ICSI) / WMO: Contributions to the International Hydrological Decade. Technical papers in hydrology No. 1-5, 1969–1970.
(see also Publications > Snow Classification and Publications > Glossary of Glacier Mass Balance/)
Ward, W. (ed.): General Assembly of Bern, 25 Sept.-7 Oct. 1967. Commission of Snow and Ice Reports and Discussions. IAHS Publication No. 79, 1967.
IASH (ICSI): International Symposium on Scientific Aspects of Snow and Ice Avalanches. 5-10 April 1965, Davos, Switzerland. IAHS Publication No. 69, 1965.
IASH (ICSI): General Assembly of Berkeley 19-8 – 31-8 1963. IAHS Publication No. 61, 1963.
IASH (ICSI): Symposium of Obergurgl 10-9 – 18-9 1962. Variations of the regime of exisitng glaciers. IAHS Publication No. 58, 1962.
IASH (ICSI): General Assembly of Helsinki. 25-7 – 6-8 1960. IAHS Publication No. 54, 1961.
IAHS (ICSI): General Assmbly of Helsinki 25-7 – 6-8 1960. Symposium on Antarctic Glaciology. IAHS Publication No. 55, 1961.
IASH (ICSI): Symposium of Chamonix 16-24 Sept. 1958. Physics of the movement of the ice. IAHS Publication No. 47, 1958.
IASH (ICSI): Assemblée Générale de Toronto 3-14 Sept. 1957. Volume IV. Snow and Ice. IAHS Publication No. 46, 1957.
IASH (ICSI): Assemblée Générale de Rome 1954. Tome IV. Comptes-Rendus et Rapports de la Commission des Neiges et des Glaces. IAHS Publication No. 39, 1954.
IASH (ICSI): The international classification for snow (with special reference to snow on the ground). Technical memorandum No. 31, Associate Committee on Soil and Snow Mechanics, National Research Council, Ottawa, Canada, 19 pp., 1954.
(see Publications > Snow Classification)
IASH (ICSI): Assemblée Générale de Bruxelles 1951. Tome I. I. Partie Générale et adminstrative. II. Rapports sur l’activité. III. Rapports et comptes rendus des Séances de la Commissions des Neiges et Glaces. IAHS Publication No. 32, 1951.
IASH (ICSI): Assemblée Générale d’Oslo, 19-28 août 1948. Tome II, Procès-verbaux des séances. Travaux de la Commission de la Neige et des glaciers. IAHS Publication No. 30, 105-131, 1948.
IASH (CNG): Sixième Assemblée Générale à Edimbourg du 14 au 26 Septembre 1936. Neige et glaces: Comptes-Rendus et Mémoires de la Commissions des Neiges et des Glaciers / Transactions of the Meetings of the International Commissions of Snow and of Glaciers: Snow and Ice.. IAHS Publication No. 23, 1939.
IASH (CNG): Commissions of Snow and of Glaciers – minutes, in: Comptes-rendus et rapports de la réunion de Washington, 1939, Volumes I & II., IAHS Publication No. 25/26, 1939.
SHS: Réunion du Comité exécutif de la Section: Genève, 10 septembre 1926, Bulletin de la Section d’Hydrologie Scientifique No. 4, 1927.
Rabot, C.: Sur la Commission internationale des glaciers, in: Bulletin de la Section d’Hydrologie Scientifique (SHS) – Notes et communications, IAHS Publication No. 2, 1926.