Debris-covered glaciers

The overarching aim of the debris-covered glaciers Working Group is to advance our understanding of how debris impacts glacier response to climate at the local, regional, and global scale. This is a necessary precursor to accurately representing debris-covered glaciers in models of regional runoff and sea-level change projections.

Download the 2018 proposal to IACS here.

What is the ECS Award?

The IACS Early Career Scientist (ECS) Prize is a cash prize of €1000 awarded every two years to two early career scientists who have published the best scientific papers on a cryospheric subject as assessed by an independent evaluation committee. The objective of the prize is to recognize excellence in cryospheric science by honouring and promoting two ECS scientists, and to draw attention to the work of IACS.

Awardees must be IACS members by the time the award is received.