Busan IAMAS-IACS-IAPSO Joint Assembly 2025 (BACO-25)
The International Association of Cryospheric Sciences (IACS) will hold its next assembly as a joint assembly with the International Association of Meteorology and Atmospheric Sciences (IAMAS) and the International Association for the Physical Sciences of the Oceans (IAPSO). The IAMAS-IACS-IAPSO Joint Assembly 2025 (BACO-25) will be held from 20-25 July 2025 at the Busan Exhibition and Convention Center (BEXCO) in Busan, Republic of Korea. The six-day event will bring together atmosphere, cryosphere and ocean scientists from around the globe to participate in scientific presentations and discussions, exchanges of information, and international earth science cooperation. All participants are required to follow the IUGG Code of Conduct.
Travel grants will be available for attending the meeting. Details will be announced in late 2024. See general information on grants here.
The scientific program will include IACS sessions on the cryosphere and cryosphere-related symposia joint with IAMAS or IAPSO associations. IACS will have an open plenary meeting for its members and correspondents. IACS working groups, standings groups, joint commissions and bodies can request rooms for splinter meetings during the assembly. IACS highlights will also include IACS keynote Union Lecture (TBD) and Graham Cogley awards for student oral and poster presentations.
Provisional programme of IACS symposia
Advances in Remote Sensing of the Cryosphere
Advances in Sea Ice Forecasting and Modelling
Advances in snow hydrology
Advances in the modeling of glaciers
Cryospheric biogeochemical cycles and environmental effects
Cryosphere Changes in High Mountain Asia
Cryospheric hazards and risks: Processes, impacts and adaptations
Glaciers, glacial lakes and water resources in High Mountain Asia
Ices in the solar system
Increased wet snow conditions under climate change and compound impacts
Modelling and assessing snow processes and characteristics across various scales
Observations of glacier and ice sheet change
Ice sheet modelling
Societal impacts of changing cryosphere and development of resilience pathways
Special session celebrating the international year of glaciers’ preservation (invited presentations)
Recent Advances in Ice Core Science
Permafrost under changing climate
Coupling Processes Between the Atmospheric Boundary-Layer and Snow/Ice Surfaces: Observations and Modelling
Ice sheet-ocean interactions and impacts
Prospects and Perils of Geoengineering the cryosphere
Remote Sensing of Sea Ice from Satellite Microwave Measurements and Its Applications
Connecting Polar to lower latitudes: A global perspective on climate change and impacts for Future Earth Strategies
Ice sheet mass loss: A Driver of Sea Level Rise
The atmosphere, cryosphere and oceans in Earth System Models