There are currently no active Working Groups
Past Working Groups:
Flow law for polycrystalline ice
2010 – 2014
There are currently no active Working Groups
Flow law for polycrystalline ice
2010 – 2014
The award was established in memory of Graham Cogley (see obituary) and recognizes excellence in glaciological research by early career scientists. The award was initiated and is generously sponsored by the Cogley family for a period of 20 years, and is shared between IACS and the International Glaciological Society (IGS).
The main goals are a) to update and enrich the GlaThiDa global ice thickness data base, b) to perform an intercomparison of existing models that derive ice thickness distributions of individual glaciers, and c) to model the ice thickness distribution of all glaciers of the Randolph Glacier Inventory (RGI).
Download the 2014 proposal to IACS here, which details the objectives and work plan of the WG.