Status of the mountain snow cover

This Joint-Body is a collaboration between IACS, the Mountain Research Initiative (MRI), and the WMO Global Cryosphere Watch (GCW), and counts with the support and participation from these institutions and their networks to realize the tasks under the respective Work Packages (WPs)

The proposal was prepared by a core team of scientists active in various fields of snow research, data and information. Participation in the joint body is open to everybody who is willing to actively contribute to one or several of the objectives listed in the proposal. Download the 2021 approved proposal here.

Yukspor Mt, Khibiny Massif, Kola peninsula, Russian Federation
Ⓒ A. Abramov

Jakobshorn, Davos, Switzerland, with a machine made snow collar.
Ⓒ WSL/SLF; C. Fierz